Career and levels

Career and levels

This book is about unusual career turns. Life can be different and a career gives different routes. About how you can change your social position and freely move through social groups, the masses. Change roles in different strata of society, while not having special specifics in education.

Жанры: Современная русская литература, Биографии и мемуары
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2023

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MBDOU of additional education "Yunates" (2011)

It all started with friends after school and decided to study as a teacher on the recommendations of friends, thus, the first, official work appeared in the gardens of the "Yunaty", as a wonderful and unusual place for the provocation of youth, Gardens and parks, along with other flower beds, trees and zoos. Sunny weather yet without magnetic storms, back in 2011. Location: Altai Territory, on the border with Kazakhstan.

Marketing Land, HR. promotion (2013-2014)

It's like the next leg or plan for my itinerary. Marketing was me fussy part-time job. In that difficult period of development, when I was a deeply religious person, I was engaged in research related to religious Orthodoxy and the immortality of the soul and body, as well as some kind of mass knowledge in the Illuminate. It was that time. This is a past transformation; it was a different person, my peers, students are constantly pushing me, now to a spiritual way of life, now to school, then to worldly life, to get students with teacher training, and in such youth professions as a promoter and promotions. It should be noted that they we’re not engaged in spiritual research and they did not go to church. They are ordinary students. Promotional ads often feature prominent personalities. I had a lot of barriers and complexes, fears in speech and appointment. The wait was slow, very unsure of itself. She was afraid of certain, frequently encountered places, people, there were various phobias, a slight distortion in facial expressions due to shyness. But the result on promotion was. True, I failed all the auditions. I came a small share. Everyone else much more, that is, decent development, Location: Novosibirsk city, Novosibirsk region.

Private cleaning Cleaning as a holiday resort (2014)

And for this small, modest amount, I moved on with such unconventional, unconventional, provocative thinking Thus, in 2014 I planned this route, dreamier, more adventurous, I saved up a little money for a one-way ticket, in the Caucasus. The Caucasus is a place for hermitage, because I was an ascetic and deeply believed in those days. But I didn't get to Nalchik and Vladikavkaz, but I got to the Kuban maximum to Sochi and Gelendzhik. To begin with, I came to Nizhny Novgorod to my problem boyfriend, who was addicted to bad habits and was also a believer. There I found work in sanatoriums in some miraculous way. I worked as a governess, then as a maid in hotels for rest and treatment. And later she moved to the waiter and in the kitchen. So I worked for only one month and left Nizhny Novgorod and my boyfriend, ate a mobile SIM card so that no one would disturb me while traveling, Location: Nizhny Novgorod city.

Resort business, Sochi, Gelendzhik (2014)

Next, I named the most interesting route – that Caucasus, Still, no money was intercepted for life, and I was killed in Sochi, Later, I settled down to live in a village in Gelendzhik. I found a beautiful house in the cottage of a Georgian owner and worked there as a rood seller and administrator for him for a long time. And all this by chance. Do not repeat such experiments. Should not be repeated! Life threatening! You may find yourself destitute, starving, or without documents or clothes at all. To be honest, I worked in a village in Gelendzhik for only a season. For me, this is good, I earned so much money in Gelendzhik, in the resort business, that is, much more than my peers, friends from Novosibirsk. Location: Gelendzhik village.

Health care diseases (2014)

Then I found myself showing off, showing on show off. I bought beautiful things for myself, ordered a coupe ticket. I left Gelendzhik and went back to my homeland, to Altai. I arrived by taxi, to the place of the Holy Altai Spring, to Ust-Charyshskaya Pristan, near Gorny Altai. I was a complete shuttle and alone, I stopped in the Altai village at the monastery. I met the supply manager, a woman who beware my friend in my destiny, she settled me in free housing, simple, in a village hour with poor electricity and no running water, So I spent the whole ascetic in prayer and in nature, visited the monastery, I made great friends with Galina, the supply manager, and we checked the time well, I helped with the housework, came to visit. Soon, the whole village knew about me, about some of the gossip, but the gossip was of a positive nature. I was fed pies in bad, rainy weather. I was sitting in a truck delivering goods to the village. Galina's friends told me that there is no work here and do not live in the cold, while you are young on the shore of yourself. In the last days, before leaving back, an autumn thunderstorm struck. On the occasion of an electricity phobia, I left the Ust-Charysh pier and took a taxi back to my native harbor, home on the road to Kazakhstan in nostalgia. For the first time, I rented the cheapest housing near the thermal power plant in my own city. She did not return to her ancestors from diseases. Then I realized that I am not a spiritual ascetic, an adventurer, she began to lead a worldly image: going to night cafes, to beautiful luxury single hotels. I became so interested! Later, I got a job as a novice nurse, assistant and nurse, I packed me beautiful suitcase, came to ready, free housing for an elderly woman. Basic medical services, household services are required. Often the head nurse came and I helped her in the procedures. The landlady wanted to connect me with her young man, her son and the risk of wide living after the death of an elderly woman. But by 2015, I lost all my savings and contacted my ancestors via laptop. By the beginning of2015, I was finally back, Location: Altai Territory, on the border with Kazakhstan.

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