Emissaries 1, 2, 3 parts. Complete collection

Emissaries 1, 2, 3 parts. Complete collection

Be patient, my dear… I know that my children you pretty battered, what can you do, by the time of maturity, they, like all humanoid underdeveloped creatures have time to make a lot of mistakes, destroy, break, spoil… You get angry at them, sometimes you punish them, and then you forgive them anyway… you be patient, my dear, not long left, hold out a little more… my dear Earth…

Жанры: Мистика, Русское фэнтези, Эзотерика / оккультизм
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2019

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.

Emissaries of the first

– You're asking if I've ever felt fear?

… Yes… I was scared once… for those who I "woke»…


From the Windows of a country house of two thousand squares, little different from the once Royal palaces, one could barely hear the soft play of Beethoven's second Symphony. Four outside guards were constantly circulating around the perimeter of the house, keeping their weapons on the alert. Two operators of video surveillance vigilantly watched the territory of this modest house. Seventeen cameras reflected everything that happened behind the rocky hedge within a radius of several kilometers and everything that separated the space from the hedge to the residence. The security chief personally supervised the work of their subordinates, avoiding the posts two or three times an hour, other times had stood watch in those hidden corners, about which we do not even know the owner.

Victor Baryshnikov, who was the owner of the estate, comfortably seated in a magnificent armchair of a spacious hall located on the fourth floor, listened attentively to the recording of the concert of one of the most revered musicians in the world. His eyes shone with generosity, creativity, thought that poetry's about to lose his lips and find its shape on a blank sheet of paper, lying lonely on a gorgeous carved mahogany table. However, this was not to happen. Viktor Alexandrovich felt a slight whiff of coolness and at the same moment the barrel of the gun pressed to the back of his head.

In a few seconds the Symphony was over. The room suddenly became quiet.

– Let me ask you, dear, whom I was so worried that forced to such extreme measures in resolving the question? After all, that's a secret I'll take to the grave. In less than a minute, the next song will play, and you will be able to finish your job without unnecessary rustles.

The pressure on the back of my head is a little off.

– Of course, I ordered my sister, am I right?

Yes, there was a slight whisper, which it was impossible to determine, man or woman it belongs to.

– Well, then, before I leave my mortal body, I'd like to give you another order. See that picture on the right of the mosque? Her safety Deposit box. Code 445893. Take as much as you need, there is, presumably, more than enough by today's standards to pay for this service. Please arrange for me to meet my sister in heaven in the near future, I will be waiting for her. Again, code 445893. Music… the last thing he managed to say Viktor, through a second fanfare rang out, and in another moment there came a sharp, barely audible cotton, take away the life of an oligarch.

Only a few hours after the house ceased to play music security chief climbed to the fourth floor and knocked on the owner. Not having heard answer, he yanked the handle and saw the lifeless owner, face which exuded bliss. The picture mosque was standing on the floor, the door of the safe was open, but oddly enough, the box had a lot of money.

– It seems, the kidnapper was not greedy – thought chief of safeguard, taking out mobile phone.

– Hello police? We have murder. Dictate the address.

Reporting the necessary information, the security chief let avaricious man's tears, because he is very dear to his master, and it was not only in positions and money. Viktor Alexandrovich was a very sincere, sympathetic and unconventional person who earned his wealth privately, which is rare in the world.

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