English Original Reader for Technical Students. Power transformers: short-circuit testing, monitoring systems (Smart Grid)

English Original Reader for Technical Students. Power transformers: short-circuit testing, monitoring systems (Smart Grid)

Учебно-методическое пособие "English Original Reader for Technical Students. Power transformers: short-circuit testing, monitoring systems (Smart Grid). Diagnostics of electrical equipment» – новая разработка с использованием оригинального английского технического языка и проверкой носителями языка. Материал по чтению для студентов вузов и колледжей, магистрантов, бакалавров, аспирантов электротехнических специальностей. Пособие состоит из четырех глав: Monitoring Systems (Smart Grid) and Diagnostics of Electrical Equipment Faults, Diagnostics and transformer testing experience by LVI/FRA methods, Shortcurrent Testing Laboratories. Short-circuit performance of power transformers, transformer testing experience, Diagnostics by infra-red and ultraviolet control, partial discharges for detection of electrical equipment’s faults, defects.В конце каждой главы имеются упражнения на понимание текста, пополнения специального словарного запаса и закрепление пройденного материала.

Жанр: Учебные справочники
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2022

Читать онлайн English Original Reader for Technical Students. Power transformers: short-circuit testing, monitoring systems (Smart Grid)

This book is dedicated to the memory of my father Khrennikov Yurij Alexandrovich

This book is dedicated to the memory of my father Khrennikov Yurij Alexandrovich.

He was an Electrical Engineer and took part in the building of seven hydroelectric power stations.


IMS-Information-measuring systems;

LVI–Low Voltage Impulse;

FRA-Frequency Response Analysis;

T-controlled power transformer;

TV-voltage transformer;

CT-current transformer;

B-high-voltage circuit breaker;


ANR-accidental and non-regime;

RW-regulation winding;

DGA-Dissolved Gas Analysis;

ADC-analog-to-digital converters;

RMSD-root-mean-square deviation;

AFC-amplitude-frequency characteristic;

HV-high voltage (winding);

LV1-first low voltage (winding);

LV2-second low voltage (winding);

MV-medium voltage (winding);

HEPS-Heat Electric Power Station;


JSC “FGC UES”-Joint Stock Company “Federal Grid Company of

Unified Energy System”;

STL-Short-current Testing Laboratory;

SREPS-State Regional Electric Power Station;

IR-control-infra-red control;

PD-partial discharges;


DC-direct current

DO-digital oscillograph;

GIS-gas insulated switchgear;

SAWP-specialized automated working place;

TCS-technical condition state;

IEPS AAN-Intellectual electric power system with the active-

adaptive network;

M&R-maintenance and repair;

EMF-electromotive force;

OA-operational amplifier;

EDS-expert- diagnostic system;

TREE-transformer and reactor electrical equipment;

ETCS-electrotechnical complexes and systems;

DM-diagnostic models;

DF-diagnostic feature;

ED- electrical device;

OFA-operational physical actions;

EMC-electromagnetic compatibility;

Chapter 1. Monitoring Systems (Smart Grid) and Diagnostics Electrical Equipment Faults


The most important elements of “intellectual networks” (Smart Grid) are the systems of monitoring the parameters of electrical equipment. Information-measuring systems (IMS), which are described in this paper, were proposed to be used together with rapid digital protection against short-circuit regimes in transformer windings. This paper presents the experience of LVI-testing application, some results of using Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) to check conditions of transformer windings and infra-red control results of the electrical equipment. The LVI method and short-circuit inductive reactance measurements are quite sensitive to be able to detect such faults as radial and axial winding deformations, twisting of low-voltage or regulating winding, losing of winding pressing, and others.

Keywords: Intellectual Networks; Smart Grid; Monitoring System; Electrical Equipment; Information-Measuring System; Frequency Response Analysis; Transformer Winding Fault Diagnostic; Low Voltage Impulse Method; Short-Circuit Inductive Reactance Measurement

1.1. Introduction

Joint Stock Company “Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System” is the operator of the United National Electrical Network of Russia. The total extent of electrical power transmission lines is 121.7 thousand km, the number of substations is 805, and the class of voltage is 220–750 kV. The five-year investment program includes the construction of 73 new substations.

The switch to “clever power engineering” (Smart Grid) realized by Federal Grid Company, will make it possible not only substantially change today’s energy landscape, but also further develop the electrotechnical industry, mastering new technologies and creating new electrical equipment. Novel methods are to be incorporated both in plants and in scientific design institutes, stimulating the professional growth of Russian scientists.

In Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum that took place some years ago, it was declared that one of the results of the conversions, conducted today by Federal Grid Company, must be the creation of the components of “intellectual networks” (Smart Grid), which will solve the existing tasks of the power electrical engineering providing for increase of effectiveness of its work and creating conditions for increasing the competitive ability of the economy of Russia on the basis of new innovation solutions and technologies.

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