Brief information about the author
Valery Ivanovich Zhiglov, the author of more than one hundred scientific papers, dozens scientific and popular posts, a number of scientific monographs, and numerous books, which are aimed at non-specialist audience, has awards from the Government.
Is it really possible to learn how to telepath?
There is one thing I learnt after studying telepathy for more than forty years. Almost anyone can learn it. Things, which one needs for this, are the real wish, attention, and confidence in success.
V.I. Zhiglov
It shall not take too much time for you to read this book through, and to understand basic methodologies needed to discover some specific extrasensory abilities in oneself. Yet, opening telepathy communication channels in a human, provided the methodologies described here are already learned and used properly, takes a few minutes. Well, let us have everything described in the proper order, from the beginning.
Having graduated from a university, I had my military service as a military medic, from 1973 until 1974, and it is there and then, that I started my very first experiments to study this phenomenon in my patients. However, in the beginning, it always took much time for me, weeks or even months, to teach someone the telepathy. Not always the positive result was achieved. Yet, as the methodology improved with the time, the results were becoming more and more promising.
Now, after more than forty years of studying telepathy I am certain almost anyone can learn it, and the things that one needs to learn telepathy are the wish, attention, belief in success.
For eight years, between 2007 and 2015, I ruled the community of Esoterica-369. Those were the years, when multiple participants of our community passed my tests and were taught telepathy by me, and they achieved positive results in short time, some even in dozens of minutes.
At the final stage of teaching, they were offered to see, and describe in details, a painting in my flat, they all were far away from, sometimes thousands miles away. Next, a photo of the painting was demonstrated to surprise one with close similarity to what each of them had just described as their telepathic image.
The chapters of the book, which follow, do comprise the feedback from some individuals, who were tested and taught telepathy by me, in accordance with the methodology that I developed.
Feedback from people, who were tested and taught telepathy
This chapter comprises reports from those people, who earlier were tested and taught telepathy by me. I tried not to modify their tone of voice. Because their reports were mainly published on forums and emailed, they use corresponding nicknames, which those people use in social networks.
Both men and women were among them, but for some reason only women provided the feedback in a forum. As a matter of fact, though, in many women, the intuition is far more advanced than in men. Women were much better during telepathy tests.
It is during the relevant testing that the telepathic communication channels are set up. As a rule, the first tests show negative results. But already from the second, third test there is a significant improvement in the results. And at the final stage of testing a person can freely telepathically perceive whole colorful canvases of pictures and describe them in sufficient detail.
I expect those who passed telepathic testing might share their experience with you.
Most of those people were unaware of the hidden extrasensory abilities they had.
Usually, people demonstrate average telepathic abilities, and only a small amount of those individuals, who passed the testing, demonstrate the best results. Also, those people, who did not demonstrate such abilities at all, were a minority.