Super Queen-Mother. Book I. The Last Hope

Super Queen-Mother. Book I. The Last Hope

Summer vacation for Julia suddenly interrupted. When bathing in the sea it drags on the bottom of the unknown force, the Earth Keepers. They tell Julia that the sixth Earth civilization may soon die. Fighters previous civilizations were destroyed. Earth Keepers found the cause of the lesions: men are logical, and therefore easy to calculate… This time the fighter will be a woman. Woman nature has entrusted the birth of the people, she them and protect… the Super Queen-Mother.

Жанры: Научная фантастика, Книги о приключениях, Боевики
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: Неизвестен

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© Evgeniy Shmigirilov, 2015

© Natalya Zavyalova, illustrations, 2015

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero


The high-pitched thin sound was barely audible. Gradually, it grew louder, throwing numerous passersby into confusion. Some people started to throw back their heads and to look intently into the sky.

The sound came from a tiny spot high in the sky. It was changing, disturbingly vibrating, as if complaining and warning everybody of some disaster that was happening there.

People felt this and kept their eyes on the spot with alarm. Smiles disappeared, and silence fell all around. Anxiety gripped the drivers of the vehicles going by. Some of them stopped, got out of their cars, and started to look into the sky, too.

The spot became larger. Now, one could see with an unaided eye that some badly controlled aircraft was making a crash landing. Everybody sensed that the crew was fighting desperately to keep the craft gliding slowly and prevent it plummeting down.

The sound became louder and even more plaintive, as if it came from a living creature.

The unusual round shape of the spaceship stood out sharply against the background of Westminster Palace. It suddenly turned around Big Ben, nearly knocking down one of the towers of the palace.

The sound coming from the spaceship turned into a scream, the last cry for help choked with the Thames waters…

People hung on the bridge railing peering into the water. Air bubbles, rising from the depths of the river, were carried away by the current, and it seemed that nothing had happened, were it not for a strange bright light coming up from the water.

Suddenly, the atmosphere around the place of the accident became dry and brittle, multicolored electric flashes, followed by unpleasant cracks, ran across the walls of the nearest buildings.

All vehicles on the bridge stopped, and three more spaceships of the same shape hung over the river, their dull metallic color evidence of long traveling in space. They formed a triangle over the place where the light emitted from the water, motionlessly hovering in the air.

«The London Eye» stopped, but no cries were heard from there.

Only Big Ben’s clock chimes broke the silence.

Soon, there appeared a new spaceship in the center of the triangle, of much bigger size.

People heard a weak buzzing, and the drowned spaceship slowly started rising out of the water. First, its upper part became visible, and then it all came out of the water that flowed down the spaceship in streams.

The new spaceship opened a huge receiving bay, and the drowned spaceship was pulled into it. The door closed, and the spaceship disappeared.

In short time the three spaceships, guarding the point of impact, disappeared too.

People regained their composure, exchanged uncomprehending glances, and continued their own business.

Vehicles started up on their own, and the drivers who got out of their cars looked around perplexed, as if asking – what am I doing here?

The life of the town got back into a grove, as if nothing had happened there.

And had anything really happened?

Chapter 1

Their departure was being obviously delayed – one passenger did not board, and ground crew was looking for his baggage. The air in the cabin was stuffy, because the air conditioning was not switched on yet.

When all problems were solved, the huge plane soared heavily upwards. The cabin crew was excellent, and flight attendants quickly served the passengers. All were restored to good humor, and passengers got busy with their own pastimes.

A group of young people stood out against the background of typical passengers. They were briskly exchanging remarks, paying no attention to recent discomfort and to other people in the cabin. Their light-hearted laughter was evidence of good moods, and that soon rest was waiting for them.

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