The concept of hypnosis: a scientific approach

The concept of hypnosis: a scientific approach

Hypnosis is a human state that involves focused attention, decreased peripheral awareness, and an increased ability to respond to suggestion. During hypnosis, a person's attention and concentration increase and their response to suggestions increases. Hypnosis usually begins with a hypnotic induction, which includes a series of preliminary instructions and suggestions.

Жанр: Развитие психики
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2024

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People have been entering a hypnotic type of trance for thousands of years. In many cultures and religions, this has been seen as a form of meditation. The magicians of Persia and the yogis of India have practiced hypnosis for thousands of years for religious purposes, plunging themselves into an ecstatic trance with every movement of their finger. by keeping your gaze fixed on the tip of your own nose; obviously, there is no need for exoteric exposure to cause the phenomenon of Mesmerism. The main purpose of all these processes is to develop a habit of abstraction or concentration of attention, in which the subject is completely absorbed in one idea or chain of ideas, while he is unaware or indifferent to any other object, goal or action. The earliest record of a description of a hypnotic state can be found in the writings of Avicenna, a Persian physician who wrote about "trance" in 1027. Modern hypnosis originated in the late 18th century and became popular thanks to Franz Mesmer, a German physician who became known as the father of "modern hypnosis". At that time, hypnosis was known as "Mesmerism", named after Mesmer. He was of the opinion that hypnosis is a kind of mystical force that flows from the hypnotist to the hypnotized person, but his theory was rejected by critics who argued that there is no magical element in hypnosis.

There are various theories explaining hypnosis and related phenomena. Altered state theories view hypnosis as an altered state of consciousness or trance characterized by a level of awareness different from the normal state of consciousness. On the contrary, non-governmental theories view hypnosis in different ways as a placebo effect, a redefinition of interaction with a therapist, or a form of imaginative role-playing.

Hypnosis-based treatments for irritable bowel syndrome and menopause are supported by evidence. The use of hypnosis to treat other problems has produced mixed results, for example, when quitting smoking. The use of hypnosis as a form of therapy for the recovery and integration of early trauma is controversial in the scientific mainstream. Research shows that human hypnosis can contribute to the formation of false memories, and that hypnosis does not help people recall events more accurately.

Hypnosis is a peculiar, sleep—like state of man and higher vertebrates, which is based on the phenomena of inhibition of the higher parts of the brain. Up to the 60s of the 19th century, ideas about hypnosis were based on spiritualistic assumptions of special "fluids" or magnetic waves – special currents allegedly propagated by the hypnotist. Mystical ideas about hypnosis were destroyed by the works of Russian (V. M. Bekhterev, O. O. Mochutkovsky, A. A. Tokarsky, etc.) and French (N. Bernheim and J. Charcot) scientists. The names of these scientists are associated with the beginning of the scientific development of the problems of hypnotic states. They established the therapeutic value of hypnosis, and also clarified the special role of suggestion as a method of using the psychological factor for therapeutic purposes. However, there was still a lot of mystery about the phenomena of hypnosis. In particular, hypnosis and suggestion were mistakenly confused. Proponents of the psychological direction still continue to adhere to Bernheim's outdated and incorrect position that "there is no hypnosis, there is only suggestion, suggestion is autosuggestion." Meanwhile, the phenomena of hypnosis and suggestion are different: if the state of hypnosis is characteristic of both humans and animals, then susceptibility to verbal suggestion is a property of only the highest human nervous activity. The physiological side of suggestion found its explanation in the teachings of I. P. Pavlov on the signaling function of the large hemispheres, on the interaction of the first and second signaling systems in the higher nervous activity of man.

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