To the Bottom of the Ocean. Shunevo's beckoning call to the shining crescent

To the Bottom of the Ocean. Shunevo's beckoning call to the shining crescent

2070, the time has come for advanced nanotechnology.A team of Japanese scientists, including cyber experts, nanotechnologists, astronomers, geologists and biologists, using their satellite systems, detected the appearance in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in an unknown way to an organically recreated floating island Shunevo.Azure Avenue Building Company over the past twenty years has been engaged in a secret mission entrusted by the government, namely the development of high quality diving cyber suits from a special nanomaterial obtained during a revolutionary breakthrough in 2050 by a group of experimental scientists.Trained from childhood using the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) system, six friend’s of an already professional group of divers, by the suggestion of Japanese government, gathered at the headquarters of the Azure Avenue Building in Yokohamin to discuss the terms of a mission of special importance level, which only they can fulfill.

Жанры: Киберпанк, Научная фантастика, Боевая фантастика
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2023

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Part 1

The truth, hidden by lamentable circumstances, gradually began to manifest itself in Dr. Otto. He recalls moments that seemed to have never happened at all, he did not want to believe in everything that was happening to him. By checking his guesses on analytical tests specially designed for such cases. Otto compared the results, all hinted at the fact that he periodically experienced major gaps in the memory of his past. The doctor concluded that he was the owner of the amnesia. Flashing moments about the past in his mind gave him the notion that he had previously founded his own group of researchers. At the head of which, during their next sailing into the ocean, they stumbled upon the floating Island Shunevo. While studying the phenomenon of the appearance of the Island, and the reasons for its rapid growth and development. Dr. Otto and his group researchers decided to build their own research center on the roots of the Island, which they assigned the code name Shunevo. He could not fully reveal the veil of secrecy in his memories. The only thing that he additionally realized was that he was the only survivor of his entire large team. Remaining in the research center, everyone else began to descend to the bottom without any preliminary data about what might be there. After a long time none of his comrades returned to him. The cause of death of his research team, as well as information about how he returned after what happened back to Yokohamin, remained unknown to him. Dr. Otto had only an assumption that all his comrades died by cause of the creatures living at the bottom in the area where the three trunks of Shunevo Island were located. At that time, no one paid much attention to this moment. Since the doctor was not officially a scientist. With a doctoral degree awarded to him over time, but only a researcher of the water world with his team. His words did not have much weight for anyone. For this reason, no one was going to take on this matter. Having founded his agency and developed over time in his professional path, he realized the horror of the impending problem, and did everything possible to prevent the consequences of a future disaster.

Chapter 10 – Research center Shunevo

As if a moment passes a couple of minutes and the submarine sails into the territory of the floating Island of Shunevo. At such a low depth, not only Lunniva now shines brightly, but likewise the huge flocks of various species of fish surrounding it. Underwater vegetation that emits various colors of light, wrapping around the huge branches of the Island’s additional numerous roots, which have grown by virtue of mutations. There was so much of everything that almost every meter could be seen not only through special cyber-windows with night vision settings in the main control compartment, but also in other bays even through ordinary windows without special equipment.


Take a closer look! Above us I can see the upper part

of the Island, it is formed from numerous plexuses of tree branches and plants among themselves.


The shape of the upper part is very similar to a mushroom cap.


Everything is so clearly visible since of the natural light that surrounds us that it even astounds.

But more importantly, we came here to destroy the Island itself, we somehow need to prepare for a long descent

to the bottom and find the smallest thickness

of the tree trunks.

After a couple of minutes, a loud, terrifying cry of some creature is sharply heard from afar. The system of storage and recognition of sound waves in the control compartment records outgoing sounds and selects information about the creature from the existing database, but exact results on the similarity and environment among world creatures are not found. Divers do not receive the necessary information about the creature.

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