Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим объединением по образованию в области лингвистики Министерства образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов вузов,обучающихся по специальности «Перевод и переводоведение»
Литвин Ф. А.–докт. филол. наук, профессор (Орловский государственный университет)
Лаврова А. Н.–докт. филол. наук, профессор (Нижегородский государственный технический университет)
Ответственный редактор
Ивашкин М. П.–докт. филол. наук, профессор
© О. В. Петрова, 2016
© ООО «Издательство ВКН», 2016
General principles of translation
Translation is a process and the result of turning a text from one language into another, which means expressing the same by the signs of a different language. Bearing in mind that every sign has two planes (plane of expression and plane of content) the essence of translation could be described as changing the elements of the plane of expression while the plane of content remains constant.
The language of the original text is called "source language", the language into which the text is translated is called "target language" (the corresponding Russian terms are "исходный язык" and "переводящий язык").
One of the main difficulties of translating lies in the fact that the meaning of the whole text is not exhausted by the sum of meanings of its elements. The meaning of a text is made up by words (characterized by their denotative and connotative meanings and stylistic reference), syntactic meaning of sentences and utterances larger than sentences, suprasegmental elements and lexico-semantic connections between words and phrases.
Every language is characterized by a specific structure of its lexico-grammatical fields and has its own lexical, morphological and syntactic systems. It may result in lack of coincidence between the means of expressing the same content in SL (source language) and TL (target language).
That is why good practical knowledge of the two languages is quite necessary but not sufficient for translating. Besides this knowledge one must possess a number of skills and be guided by a number of principles worked out by the theory of translation. These principles are connected both with linguistic and extralinguistic aspects.
While translating one must keep in view typological characteristics of both the languages and remember that the same idea may be expressed lexically in one of them and grammatically in the other. To illustrate this let us compare the ways of expressing priority in English and in Russian.
The actor, Gilbert Caster, who had been "out" for six months, emerged from his east-coast seaside lodging about noon in the day, after the opening of "Shooting the Rapids", on tour, in which he was playing Dr Dominick in the last act.
It is clear from the sentence that the period of Caster’s being "out" was prior to the moment when he "emerged from his… lodging", this priority is expressed by the Past Perfect form "had been". Now that he was playing Dr Dominick he was no longer "out". In Russian, however, it is impossible to render this idea using grammatical means only. The phrase "он был без работы" does not contain any indications to priority of this state. Hence the necessity of introducing additional lexical units conveying the meaning of the English grammatical form:
Актер Гилберт Кейстер, который перед этим шесть месяцев был без работы, …