Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection

Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection

This book is about the facts of fundamental dependency between the mankind development and cosmic energies: both electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic ones. The facts are systematized in graphs. Their interpretation and conclusions are a prerogative of the readers. It's not a simple one.For those who are used to think independently.

Жанры: Естествознание, Социальная психология
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2018

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For decades, research centers were systematically studying the human changes in the process of practical, as well as industrial, activity, considering the factors of cosmic activity. The results of these studies are presented in books, lectures, articles and presentations made by the leaders and employees of these scientific centers:,,

Most important, these results are embedded in systems of personnel selection and training both in commercial and some government structures. Their effectiveness is confirmed by practice.

 The essence of the obtained scientific results is in a definite consequence: it is impossible to understand the development of mankind and Russia without considering the cosmic energy factor in a scientific analysis.


V.V. Ostapov – full member of the International Academy of Information Processes and Technologies, Academy of Geopolitical Problems etc., Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor.

V.P. Sustavov – full member of the Academy of Military Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.

V.V. Sysoev – Honored scientist of Russia, Doctor of Psychology, Professor.

Research center Bemkon

Chapter 1. On psycho-cosmological studies and obtained scientific results

A system crisis – economic, spiritual, socio-political, has stricken our world. The most prominent and deep thinking scientists, upon receiving the Nobel Prize, admit the impotence of the science in which they received world recognition.

Paul Krugman admits this regarding the field of economics.

URL: (Paul Krugman. How did economists get it so wrong? / The New York Times/ URL: 02.09.2009).

He admits to have a feeling that scientists do not analyze some important factors. Therefore, the understanding of what is happening is unsatisfactory, and even more so is the forecast of the future.

Cosmic energies are this hidden factor of society development that eludes from scientific analysis.

This conclusion and experimental and statistical evidence of such dependency were discovered in Russia. Russian cosmism has emerged.

This is due to the fact that Russian people are more dependent on cosmic energies than other nations. We intuitively feel them. Moreover, Russian physicists have a broader understanding of the essence of cosmic energies: they persistently prove, besides the presence of electromagnetic energies, the significance of other, non-electromagnetic energies. Some called them ether energy, some others – torsion fields, solitons etc. There are dozens of names of these non-electromagnetic vortex energies. Among supporters and opponents of every point of view, every scientific school, there has been and continues an acute scientific discussion and even struggle. As a result, Russian cosmism is developing.

It is difficult to measure cosmic energies. The research has shown that Length Of Day (LOD) is such an integral, real, fairly accurate and accessible to all indicator since 1962. It reflects the Earth's axial rotation velocity.

In order to bypass the discussions of physicists regarding the not fully studied structure and composition of cosmic energies, we have proposed the term – cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity, to emphasize that these are not electromagnetic cosmic energies. In fact, this is a black box method.

Scientists measure the Earth's rotational velocity through the angular rotational velocity and the length of day (LOD).

The figure shows the value change over time for the 1900 – 2000 period. The axis of ordinates in these figures is given in units (see V.D. Kokurov).

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