Nizovtsev Yu. M.
Everything and nothingness
(Adventures of consciousness)
The book explains how nothingness turns into everything, remaining nothingness.
Keywords: consciousness, beingness, information, infinite, finite, matter, time, space, motion, the person.
Chapter 1
The infinite, but discrete information process,linking the active and the passive, as essence of Creation
1.1. About objectivity, relativity and absoluteness of truth
1.2. The active and the passive in the unity and a division
1.3. Information as the echelon binding the passive and the active
1.4. Truth as manifestation of essences of different levels
1.5. Manifestation of consciousness at the levels of the live
1.6. Things in beingness as a projection of the fragments identified by consciousness into Uniform
1.7. The course of development of mankind in collisions the true and the false in the conditions of compression of time
1.8. Inescapability of imperfection of the person and human communities as propulsor of development of consciousness
Chapter 2
About the condition of existence of Creation
2.1. Essence of Creation
2.2. Death and consciousness
2.3. Religion, philosophy and the true consciousness
2.4. The person as the hologram and a "worldly" being in Creation
The person is the strange creature. It seems – the mind is given to him to misquote and distort everything, spoil and punish himself.
His misfortune and happiness – this is what he can sense, and think, and comprehend himself simultaneously. All these features in total are peculiar to him alone. Perhaps sensing this, the sages of all time have recognized only the personality, and above it a kind of higher power, in part, to ensure that the person was not so lonely.
Nevertheless, on all reasonable questions about meaning of life and death you won't find intelligible answers anywhere. There are, of course, different views among philosophers, writers, in religious treatises, but they cause either yawning, or sectarian concern.
Probably, therefore the population more and more grows cold to process of knowledge, looking for only entertainments.
It is possible to live in aspirations to tasty food, harmful drinks, other pleasures, career, the power, money. Still it is possible both to do some fighting, and to plunge into mindnumbing job. But all this, at best, reduces the person to the level of an alpha male of the herd of orangutans.
Achievement of the similar purposes gives feeling of life, but doesn't allow expressing fully in vanity itself as to a being which is significantly different from animals.
Previously, it was difficult to publish a book with the answers to tricky questions, and thereby to question some foundations.
Now the Internet gives additional opportunities, though, of course, too limited: very much at once appeared "writers" – perhaps more than readers.
Be that as it may, for an example, we will raise couple of questions.
Well, let, the person is mortal, but after all and all planetary civilization too is the finite.
Whether long to some asteroid to brush away all live from the planet? Or the people themselves can destroy themselves entirely through the use of toxic substances or nuclear warheads.
So where all acquired – books, the ballet, music, science, equipment, i.e. culture and civilization – will get away? They will all perish forever?
Reasonable people will answer: everything passes – such is the nature of things.
People believers will tell – such is God's will.
However is not the answer to the posed question, but – evasion from the question.
Science only provides definitions, but does not determine anything in essence.