© Валерий Александрович Ларченко, 2020
ISBN 978-5-4498-0198-2
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
On (на) a mat (коврике) on (на) a floor (полу)
There (там) sleeps (спит) an angry (злой) dog (пес) by (у) the door (двери).
On a mat on a floor
There sleeps an angry dog by the door.
Behind (за) an old (старой) mill (мельницей) on (на) high (высоких) hills (холмах)
There (там) grow (растут) white and yellow (бело-желтые), tender (нежные) daffodils (нарциссы).
Behind an old mill on high hills
There grow white and yellow, tender daffodils.
Once (однажды), little (маленькой) Polly (Полли) was gifted (подарили) a dolly (куколку)
And (и) a gingerbread (имбирный пряник) large (большой) and (и) sweet (сладкий),
A red (рыжего) fluffy (пушистого) cat (кота), so (такого) big (большого) and (и) fat (толстого),
And (и) shoes (туфли) for (на) her (ее) tiny (крошечные) feet (ножки).
Once, little Polly was gifted a dolly
And a gingerbread large and sweet,
A red fluffy cat, so big and fat,
And shoes for her tiny feet.
A huge (огромный) eagle (орел) in (в) the sky (небе)
Up above (над) the earth (землей) you (ты) fly (летаешь):
Above (над) forests (лесами), meadows (лугами) and (и) hills (холмами),
Towns (городами), villages (селами) and (и) cornfields (кукурузными полями).
A huge eagle in the sky
Up above the earth you fly,
Above forests, meadows and hills,
Towns, villages and cornfields.
If (если бы) I (я) were (был) a crocodile (крокодилом)
I (я) would (бы) swim (плыл) along (вдоль по) the Nile (Нилу).
All (все) my (мои) schoolbooks (учебники) and (и) notebooks (тетради)
Every (каждую) page (страницу) and (и) sheet (лист)
I (я) would (бы) swallow (проглотил), munch (сжевал) and (и) eat (съел).
If I were a crocodile
I would swim along the Nile.
All my schoolbooks and notebooks
Every page and sheet
I would swallow, munch and eat.
If (если бы) I (я) were (был) a pirate (пиратом),
I (я) would (бы) sail (плавал по) the seas (морям).
Then (тогда) no one (никто не) could (мог бы) make (заставить) me (меня)
Eat (есть) porridge (овсянку) and (и) boiled (вареный) peas (горох).
If I were a pirate,
I would sail the seas.
Then no one could make me
Eat porridge and boiled peas.
My (мои) parents (родители) bought (купили) me (мне) little (маленького) brother (братика).
He (он) sleeps (спит) in (в) his (своей) cradle (колыбели),
Or (или) sucks (сосет) a breast (грудь) of mother (мамы)
My parents bought me little brother.
He sleeps in his cradle,
Or sucks a breast of mother.
Light (легкие) white (белые) clouds (облака) in (в) the sky (небе)
They (они) float (плывут) over (над) forests (лесами) and (и) fields (полями) of rye (ржи).
Light white clouds in the sky
They float over forests and fields of rye.
Once, (однажды) a cat (кот) invited (приглашал) fishes (рыб),
– Do you (вы) want (хотите) to see (посмотреть) my (мои) dishes (блюда)?
– You (вы) may (можете) rest (отдохнуть) a while (немного) on (на) a plate (тарелке)
Until (до) the breakfast (завтрака) end (конца) at (в) eight (восемь).
Once, a cat invited fishes,
– Do you want to see my dishes?
– You may rest awhile on a plate
Until the breakfast end at eight.
My (мои) clever (умные) blackbirds (скворцы)
They (они) sing (поют) and (и) say (говорят) words (слова).