Prognostic function of octanalysis

Prognostic function of octanalysis

The prognostic function of octanalysis is realized by studying the effect of congenital dominance of instances in the five-component structure of personality (three instances of consciousness and two instances of the unconscious). The congenital dominance of personality instances, which depends on the date of birth and is characterized by an octanalytic personality formula, affects person’s behavior, his functional capabilities and manifests itself to the same extent throughout a person’s life.

Жанры: Политология, Медицина, Прочая образовательная литература, Общая психология
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: Неизвестен

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© Henry Vitton, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0059-6038-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Henry Vitton

Man is the mind, heart, soul and freedom of choice,

what to put in the hierarchy in first place:

mind, heart or soul.

Prognostic function of octanalysis


The prognostic function of the modern method of analysis of the psyche «octanalysis» [1—9] is realized by the study of such properties of the human psyche, which are manifested in his behavior to the same extent from birth and throughout a person’s life.

The prognostic function of octanalysis makes it possible to foresee the features of human behavior associated with these properties of the psyche.

Octanalysis studies the five-component structure of a person’s personality: three instances of consciousness 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 1-Mind and two instances of the unconscious 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio.

In 2010, using the methods of octanalysis, the effect of congenital dominance of these five instances of personality was discovered.

The degree of congenital dominance of the personality instance persists throughout a person’s life and therefore makes it possible to predict some features of human behavior.

Depending on the date of birth of a person, from two to five instances of personality show congenital dominance.

The octanalytic personality formula shows which instances of the personality show congenital dominance, and it also shows the degree of their dominance. The procedure for compiling the octanalytic personality formula is described in detail in the Appendix.

In the octanalytic personality formula, the following designations are used: 5-Soul – «5»; 4-Heart – «4»; 3-Irratio – «3»; 2-Ratio – «2»; 1-Mind – «1».

Personality instances that do not have congenital dominance are referred to in octanalysis as «deficiency of congenital dominants.» For example, when out of the five instances of personality, only three instances 5-Soul, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind show congenital dominance, then there is a «deficiency of congenital dominants»: two instances 4-Heart, 3-Irratio.

In the human psyche, the personality instances 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind dominate in turn, and in a state of dominance they form the orientation of a person’s attention.

According to the formation of the orientation of human attention, instances 5-Soul, 3-Irratio, 1-Mind are extraverts, and instances 4-Heart, 2-Ratio are introverts.

The octanalytic personality formula shows three degrees of congenital dominance of the instance: background dominant, second dominant, first dominant. The first dominant shows a greater degree of dominance than the background dominant or the second dominant.

When the personality formula contains both the background dominant and first dominant and second dominant, in any combination, they mutually complement each other and show an increased degree of dominance.

The description of the congenital dominance degree of the instance will be shown on the example of instance 4-Heart:

– congenital dominance of the instance 4-Heart: the formula contains one «four» as a background dominant or as a second dominant;

– clearly expressed congenital dominance of the instance 4-Heart: the formula contains one «four» as first dominant, or contains two or three «fours»;

– hypertrophied congenital dominance of instance 4-Heart: the formula contains four «fours».

The octanalytic personality formula shows a person’s congenital tendency to character accentuation or a person’s congenital tendency to personality disorder.

An accentuation of a person’s character can appear when the formula contains three «fours», and a state of transition of a person’s character from accentuation to a personality disorder can appear when the formula contains four «fours».

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