The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty

The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty

Existentialism proclaims the idea of a man present, performing a search for meaning, making choices, self-determining in its relation to reality, possessing an active subjective entity. In the process of economic activity a person is faced with the action of their own will influence other areas of the will of the active agents. He needs arise that require his satisfaction, he is involved in the economic cycle, some of which sectors are investigated in this study, namely: entrepreneurship, as a consequence of the implementation of a new combination of natural factors, business risk as a source of entrepreneurial profit and a catalyst for economic activity, business as routine economic activities aimed at developing the existing building, international business, as economic activity is possible at a potential that is created by public constraints, international payments, as the movement of financial resources for a business, writ proceedings, as inevitable, the procedure of execution of mutual obligations with the participation of the public entity, collateral relations, as security relationships that create a safety buffer for the counterparty.

Жанр: Книги по экономике
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: Неизвестен

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In the philosophy developed in the direction called existentialism, it proclaims the idea of a man present, and therefore, performing a search for meaning, making choices, self-determining in its relation to reality, possessing an active subjective entity. Under the existence of the mean residence time and in space. Inherent absurdity of existence and authenticity. The absurdity of this discrepancy, the distortion of the «expected» that is identified by an impossible situation. Not authentic – the real mismatch, in a particular time and space is the place to be one situation, but it should be otherwise.

Philosophy explores the human rights of the person and explores it as belonging to the realm of spirit, science explores the same person as belonging to the realm of nature, that is, outside of man as an object. Philosophy should not be an object, because there is nothing for it should not become an object objectified. The main feature of the philosophy of minds that that there is no object of knowledge. To know of the man and in man and therefore does not objectify. And then just open sense. The meaning is revealed only when I am in myself, that is, in spirit, and when it is not for me «object» objectivity. All that is for me an object, devoid of meaning. The meaning is only that in me and with me, that is, in the spirit world[1]. In the mind of man, and the next moment of its existence is determined by the projection of consciousness into reality.

Conscious existence is determined by the conscious realization of the projection, and intellectual activity takes place both in the perception of reality, that is, the analysis of reality, and the implementation of the world picture, that is, choosing the order of future activities. If a person went to the creative process of understanding reality and creatively realized his attitude toward it, the result is a dynamic many variants the reality of a social group, but this is only possible under the rule of humanity, in circumstances where the above is put creative people, because Jean-Paul Sartre and formulated his thesis «existentialism is a humanism»[2]. In the functional world more urgent following the procedure of «man – a cog mechanism», «Planetary bacteria», according to the expression of Adolf. Hitler[3] that is dynamically stable for a conflict of consciousness and world view, and therefore has a place to be absurd and not the authenticity of human existence.

Person dies, the personality is dissolved in the average. A person ceases to be itself and become «all», we enjoy and have fun, fun people, we read, watch and judge about literature and art, as people look and judge... we find «outrageous» that people find «outrageous»[4]. This is the reality conformist. Freedom – the presence of a choice option and the implementation of the outcome of the event. In the ethics of «freedom» associated with the presence of the free will of man. Free will imposes on the person responsible, and imputes the merit of his deeds. An act is moral only if it is made of free will is free will. In this sense, ethics is aimed at the realization of their freedom and the associated liability. Freedom and responsibility lie in the fact that the interpretation of reality needs to be done not just a choice but to recognize the reality and interpret it in a certain way, and according to its own facilities to implement its deliberate reflection. A view is a projection and self-realization takes place as individual responsibility for the result is available in a particular space and time. That is, freedom and responsibility are attributes of the creative process, and the conscious activity that contribute to diversity and beauty of general and individual reality.

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