

For my head, the Guild of pharmaceutical concerns, in tandem with the Committee of 300, has secretly set a sum that can buy almost any state in Latin America, along with the people, economy, and everything that lives in this area. They are, by the way, sold, if someone does not know. I've never been so expensive. And all because of crazy geniuses like me… the world didn't know yet… All the events, organizations and characters are the author's invention. Any coincidence of names, surnames and positions of characters with the real names of living or dead people, as well as events that happened to someone in life-is absolutely accidental and completely unintentional.

Жанры: Научная фантастика, Городское фэнтези, Русское фэнтези
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2020

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In these moments I live out my last moments, I know it. No, no, I feel fine, I am in my right mind and have a good memory. I drink fragrant coffee and watch online on my long-suffering monitor the spread of my brainchild around the world. And there's no stopping it. This fact pleases me immensely. However, no less pleasing is the fact that the understanding of this process is now choking in their anger, the so-called elite, which I ruined plans for the next couple of hundred years.

From now on, in order to manipulate the health of people, to keep them in fear, to control the number by means of killing and make money on it – there is almost no chance left. War in the usual sense is not necessary for anyone today, because there will be no winners in it. And working in the field of viruses is now a very difficult task. My stamp of the spreading virus is perfect, I developed it for a long time and very painstakingly. In symbiosis with the divine plan, it has already produced the fruits that made the great manipulators of this world shudder. Whether it will still be…

My physical death doesn't make any sense now, because even I can't change anything in the running process. And yet, the red dot on the sniper rifle is already shining at my forehead from the roof of a nearby building, and I can see it in the reflection of the monitor.

What are you waiting for, dear friend… Pull the trigger quickly, not today – tomorrow my virus will get to you…

17 years before…

"So, Alvin, how long are you going to be dealing with your pandemic?"

"Master, Oliver, everything is almost ready, I have only a couple of final tests left, but the virus is strong enough. It is important that it does not significantly exceed the stated number of goals and that we can neutralize it at any time.

"A hundred or a hundred and fifty thousand people is not important. As soon as we complete the order, we will immediately launch the antidote, it is tested, the pandemic will completely disappear. So don't waste any time. Does this stamp show signs of a cold?

– Yes.

– The incubation period?

– Variable, depending on the individual's immune system, but generally two to three weeks.

– Suits. We need to take care of. Start the process! If everyone was so careful, then people would still go no further than sticks and stones in their development.

"Yes, Mr. Oliver."

The next virus was launched to the masses at the end of 2019. China, Italy, the United States, Europe, then Russia and other countries have experienced the development of a non-public pharmaceutical company. The strike was aimed at two fronts. The first is the decline in the economy and the quality of life of people, which inevitably led to a fall on the stock exchanges and allowed for pennies to buy up holdings and businesses. In this way, make adjustments to the long-started redistribution of the world. The second blow – a side effect, so to speak – is the reduction of the population and the pressure of fears to spur people to mass vaccination and chipping-global control and the ability to disconnect anyone living from the life system at the right time.

One year later

"Well, gentlemen! Congratulations on your success with virus 2019. Gone to hell! Alvin is a genius, though… Not all ideas were realized as the technical task required us to do so. The customer had to additionally connect the media to instill fear and enhance the effect.

Oliver walked across the lab, placing the folder of documents on the glass table, and continued to stare at Alvin:

– Your virus only worked 70%. We had to keep him for two months longer than we had planned, but we had time. What if they didn't? In humid regions, the virus has spread very well, and for example, in Russia, where the climate is more dry. And the results are weak. We had very different expectations! The benefit was compensated by the States and the European part. But we took a serious risk! In the future, we may not be trusted with a serious order. Competitors are also not asleep, do not forget about it! There were no similar problems with swine and avian flu! We made an incredible effort to snatch the order for the 2019 virus and almost failed it. Although we received a lot of positive reviews in General.

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