4 turns. A play for 5 people. Comedy

4 turns. A play for 5 people. Comedy

When four turns of fate reveal two thorny love stories to the world, when life and death are on the map, when emotions go beyond… Real feelings, true values and a warm aftertaste – all this you will find in the comedy with gentle dramatic notes "Four turns".

This play is a combination of two short plays by Nikolay Lakutin "Suicidal or a Day for Marriage" and "The Courier" with some modifications focused on a large two-act production in a new performance.

Жанры: Кинематограф / театр, Пьесы и драматургия, Зарубежная драматургия
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2022

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A dramatic comedy for 5 people in two acts.

Duration is 2 hours, taking into account the interval of 15-20 minutes.

An explanatory note for the directors is attached at the end of the play.







Action 1

A forest clearing surrounded by a dense forest. Evening. Thick twilight. A drunken Lida comes out. She is wearing a dirty, torn wedding dress in some places. Slightly staggering. She has a blissful smile on her face. There is a huge black eye under the eye. In one hand she holds a vodka bottle with some pathetic remnants at the bottom, in the other hand she has a thick rope that drags behind her.

Lida (to the viewer, familiarly). Hello… (Winks, smiles, waves his hand, in which he barely holds the bottle.) Well…? How's life…? Is it okay? (He pauses.) But I have something somehow not very. It's probably not hard to guess from my appearance, right? (Hesitantly takes a few steps, takes a sip from his throat, throws the bottle aside.) And it's my birthday today!


Lida (to the viewer, familiarly, intricately, slurring her tongue). Yeah. Chesssttttt word. (Looks at his watch.) But no, it's not honest, sorry. Now it turns out that my birthday was yesterday. (Sighs heavily) Thirty-five chopped. (Nods) Yes, yes… Thirty-five! And you thought how much? Twenty-nine? (smiles, looks to the other side of the hall) Twenty-six? (turns his gaze to the third part of the hall) Forty? (he winces unpleasantly in his face). I'm thirty-five. And I don't have a baby… or a kitten… My relatives don't understand me, I have friends… Not anymore. (Sits down on the ground / stage, more precisely flopping) Were, but… everyone got married…, bitches. In general, they are all not up to me right now. And here I am alone… All alone… Remember how it is there… who's there? I do not remember… (quotes) "Good girl Lida! In desperation, he wrote." Desperate!!! All right. All about me. By the way, let's get acquainted – Lida! (He puts out his hand, greeting the audience).

He rises, trying to keep his balance.

Lida (to the viewer). Well okay… We met…, talked… It's time and honor to know.

Pulls up the rope, looks around, finds a tree, chooses a stronger twig. Aiming, trying to throw a rope on a branch so that it is tied or hooked. But she can't do anything. However, the girl is persistent in her attempts. After catching her breath and swearing exclusively with facial expressions, she continues her hard work again.

Grisha comes on stage. He's wearing a tuxedo. Dressed very well, expensive. Clean, shaved, but drooping himself. In one hand he has a "half cup" of lemonade, in the other – the same thick rope that drags along the stage behind him. Lida doesn't see him. He, in turn, does not see Lida.

The focus of the light shifts to Grisha. He carefully unscrews the bottle cap, takes a one-time cup out of his pocket, pours a drink there, drinks, puts the cup in his pocket, tightens the lid, puts the bottle on the ground /stage.

Grisha (to himself, tragically, thoughtfully). That's it, Grishka is missing… Remember your name.

He pulls the rope to himself in a doomed manner, immediately throws it on his hand with rings and purposefully turns to the tree, taking a few steps, at which Lida is still trying to do something.

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