English grammar: 100 main rules

English grammar: 100 main rules

As soon as you started learning English you have to study basic grammar rules that help understand the language structure and as a result communicate effectively. In the reference guide 100 most common grammar rules are put together and explained in a clear form of tables with several examples to each rule. Referring to this grammar guide may be helpful for those students who have recently started learning English and still find grammar not simple to understand as well as for those advanced users who need just refresh their knowledge of English grammar or clarify some grammar points.

Жанр: Современная проза
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2014

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RULE 1. Proper and Common Nouns

RULE 2. Countable and Uncountable Nouns

RULE 3. Plural Form Nouns

RULE 4. Irregular Plural Form of Nouns

RULE 5. Gender of Nouns

RULE 6. Common and Possessive Cases of Nouns

RULE 7. Syntactic Functions of Nouns

RULE 8. Adjectives

RULE 9. Adjective Degrees of Comparison

Positive Degree of Adjectives

1. Description

abusystreet, acleverdog, adullday, anexpensivering, agoodattitude, a jealous man, animportantsignal, aweakaccent,youngpeople


Qualitative adjectives can be modified by adverbs of degree.

adreadfullydull day,extremelyhot weather, afairlylarge message, ahugelyimportant signal, animmenselyfamous picture,incrediblyuseful advice, anintenselybusy street, alittle/a bitexpensive ring, arathergood attitude, areasonablyweak accent,quitean interesting list, aslightlysomber event, atoojealous husband, anunusuallyclever dog,veryyoung people

2. Comparison

1) Equality

as + adjective + as

The white kitten isas cute asthe grey one.

Playing games isas important asstudying.

2) Inferiority

not so+adjective (+ as)

His idea isnot so stupid.

The view didnotturn to beso splendid aswe had expected.

half as + adjective (+ as)

Jimmy ishalf as tall asJonny.

Our house ishalf as big asthe neighbours'.

3) Superiority

twice (three times) as + adjective (+ as)

The way wastwice as long asyesterday.

Olivia's typing speed isthree times as fastas Andrew's.

Comparative Degree of Adjectives

The comparative degree demonstrates the difference between two objects.

1) Superiority

– Most one- and two-syllable adjectives form the comparative degree by adding – er ending.

adjective + – er

clever – cleverer,dull – duller,large – larger,weak – weaker,young – younger

Apple juice issweeterthan orange juice.

These tickets arecheaperthan those ones.


– Adjectives ending in – y change the – y into – i and add – er.

bus– busier,prett– prettier,laz– lazier, funn– funnier, juic– juicier

Cf.: shy – shyer,sly – slyer,grey – greyer

– One-syllable adjectives with a short vowel followed by a consonant double this consonant and add – er.

big – bigger,hot – hotter,fat – fatter,thin – thinner

– Several two-syllable adjectives and all three- (and more) syllable adjectives form the comparative degree with more.

more + adjective


The new hairdo makes Andrewmore handsome.

Time ismore valuablethan money.

2) Inferiority

less + adjective


This way isless easythan the way Andrew offers.

I preferless dangerousdriving.


Use certain adverbs to enhance the meaning of comparative adjectives.

far/much/a lot

slightly/a little/a bit

Olivia isfar prettierthan her sister.

This will sounda bit morepolite.


It is possible to use the double comparison of adjectives combined with change-of-state verbs.

adjective-er + and + adjective-er

more adjective + and + more adjective

The days are gettingshorter and shorter.

The word is becomingmore and more ridiculous.


Use the following combination to emphasize the inevitable consequence in degree change of comparative adjectives.

The adjective-er, the adjective-er

The more adjective, the more adjective

The sweeterproducts are,the unhealthierthey are.

The more luxuriousgoods are,the more expensivethey are.

Superlative Degree of Adjectives

The superlative degree demonstrates differences among three or more objects.

1) Superiority

– Most one- and two-syllable adjectives form the comparative degree by adding – est ending.

the adjective + – est

clever – the cleverest,dull – the dullest,large – the larg

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