Men's bikes. A play for 5-8 people. Comedy

Men's bikes. A play for 5-8 people. Comedy

And what these men won't tell you to justify themselves to their women. And then you involuntarily face a choice: to believe him or yourself? Or maybe it's not about faith at all? Let's figure it out together!

Жанры: Кинематограф / театр, Пьесы и драматургия, Зарубежная драматургия
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2022

Читать онлайн Men's bikes. A play for 5-8 people. Comedy


Comedy. Duration 1 hour 30 minutes.


Vasily is an honest, decent family man.

Danil is not a very honest and not very decent family man.

Claudia is Vasily's wife.

Zinaida is Danil's wife.

Lucy is a classmate of Vasily, a cameo role.

Valeria is Danil's hobby, a cameo role.

Love is Danil's hobby, a cameo role.

Oksana is Danil's hobby, a cameo role.

Four episodic roles can be played by one actress, when using wigs, different styles and styles of clothes, various overlays and so on.

Scene 1. Somewhere on the street

The stage is dark. The sounds of the city are heard. The hum of passing cars, some snatches of conversations, someone's laughter, perhaps switching radio stations and the voices of radio presenters.

The sounds of the city bustle subside.

The light turns on smoothly.

There is an improvised street passage on the stage, Vasily comes out. He's full of business. Dressed in a simple style. In one hand he has a business suitcase, in the other some contracts that he reads on the go. A little passes. Stops. His face expresses doubt and wariness. He reads into some point of the contract.

Vasily (softly, cautiously, reading the contract). So! Stop. What kind of item is this? Our partnership has never envisaged anything like this…

Vasily thoughtfully takes his eyes off the contract, looks doubtfully somewhere in the auditorium.

Vasily (warily, all in himself, in his thoughts). Or have I already managed to view something like this somewhere? So, let's compare it with the latest agreements.

A musical composition is playing.

Vasily looks around in search of some table or bench, but finding nothing, moves a little to the side so as not to interfere with possible passers-by, sits down on one knee, opens his suitcase, rummages there in the stacks of documents available in it. Compares the terms of the contract carefully.

At this moment, Lucy comes out from the other side of the stage. Not a very thin woman. She… not that it would be easy behavior, just very open, easy to communicate and in relation to life. He doesn't worry about anything and doesn't think much about anything. She's like a big baby. She is dressed rather haphazardly, not that it would be tasteless, but somehow… it catches the eye. In general, she is like that… peculiar.

Lucy passes impressively, not looking around too interested. Vasily is almost passing, but still her gaze clings to him. Lucy stops, looking at the man with interest.

The music stops and ends.

Lucy (delighted and surprised). Vaska, what are you?

Vasily breaks away from the documents, looks attentively and warily at the lady.

Lucy (smiling with a certain spontaneity). Why are you wrinkling your forehead? Didn't recognize it? I'm Lyusya! Yes, we studied with you, a fool, until the ninth grade together. Well? What? Nothing? Don't you remember?

Vasily (getting up, leaving his suitcase on the floor, but gets up with several contracts in his hands). Lucy? Mikulova?

Lucy (happily, emotionally). AAAAAAAA!!!! I found out! I found out, you prankster! Let me give you a hug!

Lucy starts hugging the taken aback Vasily, who is inactive, just standing with his arms outstretched and holding contracts in them.

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