Wingless Bird

Wingless Bird

When the Countess of Cranford, the rich and noble mistress of magnificent Greenhall, took in her young niece, she had no idea what her good-heartedness would bring. It seems that the flame-haired beauty Vivian wishes to marry Anthony Cranford, her cousin, which is against the plans of her aunt, who wants to find her son a rich bride. After all, Vivian, though she is as beautiful as an angel on earth, does not have a cent of dowry. However, behind the appearance of an angel hides confidence and ambition, and if Vivian Cowell decides to get what she wants – she is ready to confront the whole world.This translation is made with DeepL Translate.

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Chapter 1

– Hurry, Jane! She's here! – Emily called out, and a moment later the girl herself appeared in the kitchen doorway. Her pretty thin face was radiant, and in her grey eyes sparkled the anticipation of merriment.

– How? Already? But the room isn't ready! The carpet's not cleaned! There are no flowers in the vase! – Jane exclaimed: it was to her that Lady Cranford, the mistress of the house, had entrusted the task of preparing the room for the arrival of an unexpected but extremely curious personage.

"Jane," said Lady Cranford at breakfast, "prepare the guest quarters in the North Wing. The first room on the right down the corridor. My niece is arriving today, and everything must be in perfect order. Change the sheets to silk and pick a pretty bouquet in the garden, but don't touch my gladioli." Will she be staying long, ma'am? Should I clean the carpet?" – Jane asked timidly, eager to learn as much as she could about her guest and to spread this surprise to the entire household. After all, no one in the house had even suspected that the lady had a niece! The lady had never mentioned her! "Yes, the carpet should have been beaten out and cleaned," Lady Cranford replied in an indifferent tone. – She will come this afternoon."

"And the room to be cleaned, and the carpet to be knocked out and cleaned! And all as soon as possible!" – ran through poor Jane's mind. But she only curtsied and said: "As you command, ma'am."

And lo and behold, the person who had made Jane so nervous was here! In Greenhall! And the carpet had not been cleaned! The beautiful silver vase is empty! What on earth possessed her to ask about the carpet? Oh, what would Lady Cranford say to that?

"But the guest was not due until the evening! It's not my fault she turned up after lunch!" – poor Jane soothed herself, and, tucking the dishevelled black strands of her hair back under her white working bonnet, she hurriedly left her plate of hot soup and almost ran from the kitchen, which was in the far wing of the house, into the huge entrance hall, sacrificing her lunch. What to say! Sometimes curiosity drowns out the songs of a hungry belly!

The girl joined her friends gathered at one of the far windows, and stretching her neck, cast a glance at the wide stone courtyard, through which a rather old black carriage, drawn by a pair of tired grey horses, was rolling gently along.

– A lady's niece, and she came on such a wreck! – Emily hummed quietly to herself.

– And the horses look so old! – giggled one of the kitchen staff.

– Do you think it's pretty? – Jane asked.

– Who knows! We'll see! – Emily answered her cheerfully, and the friends whispered loudly, practising their witticisms.

– What is this gathering? – Mr. . Brown, the butler, was suddenly shouted at, as he had no patience for gossip, and held the servants in fear by the mere sight of his tall, thin, grey-haired person.

The maids immediately left their places at the window and hurried into the kitchen, not wishing to displease either Mr. Brown or Lady Cranford.

– Wait a minute, Jane! – A commanding female voice made the unhappy girl flinch.

Jane obediently stopped, turned round, and sat down in a kneeling posture: none other than the lady of the house was coming down the beautiful broad staircase.

She was an old but still beautiful woman of fifty-two, dressed in a severe black silk dress (she was still in mourning for her husband, who had passed away ten years before). Her beautiful dark hair, touched with grey, was styled in the high style she usually wore on weekdays. Her still slender figure was that of a lady, a member of one of the most noble families in England. Lady Cranford's cold blue eyes always made Jane and all the servants of the estate shiver with fear, and in her calm, emotionless face it was impossible to read what was on her mind: was she angry? Was she displeased about something? Was she about to reprimand or just give orders on this or that?

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