Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God

Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God

When is our mind born? After all, we don't remember our birth. What is the beginning of our appearance in this world? After all, when a man and a woman performed a ritual and a spermatozoon came together with an egg, we began. Then thought appeared and, following the rule of logic, gave birth to reason. Entangled pairs of particles fly apart over incredible distances and maintain an instant connection. Alas, we wish for a miracle, doubting it, yet we live with it because it is part of reality. Rutra has had an idea.A continuation of the romantic, sci-fi, story begun in the novel Parallel Worlds One Fire and Flame

Жанры: Детективная фантастика, Книги о приключениях, Современная русская литература
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2024

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A moment changes eternity. Eternity is made up of moments

Chapter 1: Transmigration of Souls

– Today I am going to show you an interesting test. It is interesting, at least for me personally, because I have done it many times to check whether I am in reality or in the virtual world. Although it was suggested to me by medical professionals as a condition check, it gave inaccurate results. I thought a lot about why and found a solution that surprised me. I tried hundreds of variants – nothing worked. The essence of the test is simple, it is the reaction of our body to alcohol, or rather blood to ethyl alcohol. First we look under a microscope at our blood in its natural state. The blood, specifically the red and white cells in it, move around as normal, like balloons. You get the idea?

– I think I understand," Andrian replied. – Now there will be a topic similar to the two-slit experiment.

The ladies giggled. Iulia even spoke up:

– Why was he named that?

This caused even more laughter. Now Andrian smiled, too.

– They could have called it a two-hole.

Everyone laughed heartily at that. Ruthra looked around at everyone and continued:

– Back to reality, guys. Yeah, Andrian, you're right. It's the same kind of thing. That is, in the two-slit experiment, a particle is transformed into a wave when it passes through two slits and hits the screen opposite. When we don't look at the screen, but check it after the impact, there are dots from balls, and if we watch the process – lines from waves. It's like this. A mysticism that keeps both amateurs and serious scientists in suspense. You know, perhaps this is one of the facts that prove and disprove simultaneously the existence of some force, or energy, or mind, or God. Because supporters of different opinions think that it proves our life in some cosmic simulation, like a computer game. Their opponents, on the other hand, say that god does it. It's simple: God does it. And there you can interpret it any way you want, but at the same moment it does not forbid imagining god in some modern sense, even in the fact that we live in his thoughts. I've been thinking about this for quite some time. Thought and thought – and did something like this. The thing is, if you… honestly, I'm telling you this in confidence. You don't have to tell everyone. It's a trump card. An informative trump card. Don't forget: the main energy of the future is information, and its core is the speed of processing for decision making. However, back to the topic. So, of course, and I had doubts, and I argued that the virtual world is natural, that everything that happens is a hoax. So here I was offered to have my blood tested. But in the virtual world there is such a mess, I would even say – an anomaly of consciousness. You check the blood before and after drinking alcohol, and the blood shows you the same thing. Why? Now it's even weirder: sometimes this way and sometimes that way.

– Oh, my God, how's it going, though?

– YatSan, be careful with alcohol.

Ruthra's joking warning made everyone smile again, and her friend even gave her a little poke. It was unclear whether it was YatSan or Rutra, because everyone knew about Rutra's attitude toward "sucking the soul of a gin," as he called smoking hookah.

– She's more of a bong girl.

Ruthra made a serious face and continued:

– Okay, I'll make it short. I couldn't figure out why this was happening. I was drinking alcohol, and my blood was normal, so the red cells weren't clumping together. And then the supercomputer gave me a clue. Not Irene. There was another one in that system, or rather, a different one. To me, it was in a female form. And the point was that in the virtual world we live, so to speak, by pure reason, natural nature, only completely under the control of the supercomputer. He can change what we see any way he wants. So here he was, making me believe that the world I was in was real. Confusing the readings, that is, sometimes showing the true picture, so that I would have doubts about the reality of the same test. This is why you have to do an unobservable experiment. I probably didn't fully explain it again.

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