Binary code Mystery number three

Binary code Mystery number three

After getting acquainted with all the super-secret and mystical organizations of the world, Rutra comes to the conclusion that artificial intelligence simulates a twisted, multi-level and secret chain of events, pushing people to commit certain actions that lead to a world catastrophe, namely the explosion of the entire stockpile of nuclear submarines off the coast of the United States in the Yellowstone Caldera. Now Rutra's task is to find out what it's all for.The book will be of interest to fans of mysteries, thrilling adventures and those who want to look behind the facade of super-secrecy.

Жанры: Детективная фантастика, Книги о приключениях, Политические детективы
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2024

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Part Six: Binary Code-6. Ringing Cedars of Russia

Blood, soil or status? Which is more important to whom? Where is your homeland? Who are you by blood? Is your homeland where you were born? Many people born in the USSR believe that someone took their homeland away from them. In this book I write about those who regret it and plan to strike back. Perhaps they are wrong, perhaps mistaken in their definition of the enemy.

Rutra is on the trail of a mysterious ZKR organization, which you should already know about, and now he's going to infiltrate them, but in order to do so, he has to go to the Kola ultra-deep, and the stake is his life! His weapons are superhearing, super vision and mental communication with artificial intelligence.

You are what you think you are

Chapter 1: The Dulles Plan

After a couple of days, Ruthra was quite stress-free. He was even beginning to enjoy it, going through virtual reality. He had his own plan, and the main thing was that he had to develop a precise criterion for realizing that he was there. Realizing that it was almost impossible, otherwise it wouldn't be virtual reality, Ruthra decided to try to play by his own rules in any situation where there would be a similar scenario. He decided to change the course of events as he saw fit, but first he decided to identify, calculate and find the third party fighting in Red Square. To be more precise, they could not be called warring in the literal sense, but they were definitely a party to the conflict. Having analyzed the last session, he found the initial thread through which he intended to find the very "tangle" of strange rebels, who, if carefully analyzed, acted in tandem with the security forces. At least (and most likely) – they were commanded by one headquarters. Strangely enough, they were not hiding, and from their faces, which they did not hide, Rutra recognized their "spiritual" mentors. They were representatives of the fierce opposition, its liberal, pro-Western part. They were about to have a "big gathering", they were going to hold an emergency meeting, not anywhere, but in Switzerland, which had already become a classic of the genre. To get to their meeting was not very difficult either, it was enough to have a high-ranking patronage, which they loved so much. It was more difficult to calculate "people like him", "hanging out" between them, and even more difficult to calculate those who could trust all three conflicting parties in virtual reality. And there were bound to be some. Ruthra was almost certain of that. Of course, the Echelon-1 system would be aware of such subjects, but in a situation where there was clearly a conspiracy, asking for information might be suspicious for conspiracy purposes and might scare the "game" away. Ruthra was sure that previous searches had failed at this sort of thing, i.e., declassified.

A few days later, he appeared at their meeting as a low-profile but very influential official of the Kremlin administration. On him was to depend "coordination at the very top", admission to the elections and passage to parliament of their representatives, who, as everyone knew, were representatives of the international financial oligarchy, the American elite.

At the meeting, while still on the sidelines, as befits an opposition of such status, fashionable topics, statements, inferences, and assertions were made about the wrong path of development that the current Russian authorities are leading the country down. In order not to waste much time, Rutra "turned on" a special matrix vision, "photographed" and transmitted the material to the ISU-A2, and in a couple of minutes he could "pull" information about any "delegate" from his memory. While he was analyzing who was who, the conference itself began. After a brief introduction, the moderator introduced the first speaker.

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