Jesus and Christ

Jesus and Christ

Tell me who your god is and I will tell you who you are," says the ancient wisdom. Who is our god – the leader of our struggle against dark forces or a battered censor of human vices in need of our own protection?Is belief in a creator a property of intelligence? Can artificial intelligence perceive us as a creator, i.e. take us as its god?Invisible energy from the vast depths of the universe has influenced our incarnation in this world and even the creation of the world itself. In the same way, the thought embodied in the word became the forerunner of our opinion even before our worldview came into being.Dear my reader, in this work, as in all my previous ones, you will find solid science fiction, a wealth of historical facts, an alternative view of known history, cold analytics, as well as humor and satire. It's your right to take each of these definitions in your own way.

Жанры: Научная фантастика, Политические детективы, Современная русская литература
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2024

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I dedicate this narrative to my father.....


Dear my reader, unfortunately, I have to write this warning: everything stated in this book is fiction. Attention: the author is not responsible for any consequences from reading, as well as for your individual perception according to your worldview.

And now off the record: my dear reader, in this work, as in all my previous ones, you will find solid science fiction, plenty of historical facts, an alternative view of known history, cold analysis, as well as humor and satire. It's your right to take each of these definitions in your own way.


The human hearing organs can distinguish between 16,000 and 20,000 hertz. Below that threshold is infrasound. Above that, ultrasound. For example, at a frequency of 7 to 13 hertz – a natural wave of fear emitted by typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions – sounds that encourage all living things to leave the centers of natural disasters. Now, think about it: people didn't know this once, but they were influenced. That is, something influenced them, made them act, made them afraid, but the reason was unknown to them and, accordingly, was attributed to the will of some mysterious powerful forces. So the message from the past, which has reached us in the form of a word, including the one that was "in the beginning", influences our consciousness, prompting it to make this or that decision, often with unknown consequences. Believing in the Creator, we hope for good in the content of this message, but in the message itself there is a prediction of tragedy expressed in a mythical phenomenon called "the end of the world". And supposedly this phenomenon should happen as a result of the actions of people. Only it is unknown whether there is a method to avoid this phenomenon or it should happen naturally, because the one who should allow this phenomenon to happen was created by the Creator Himself. Perhaps it is some method of transforming the object of creation, that is us. Even if you hold to a strictly empirical worldview, you must agree: without natural cataclysms, i.e. changes in nature, man would not have come into existence. If you adhere to a religious worldview, you will consider even such a remote in time event as the Cambrian explosion ,1 as an act of God, and if you adhere to a scientific worldview – as a natural natural process.

Now imagine a situation, when an unpleasant event should happen to you (or remember when it happened), and possibly a tragic one, which you, naturally, would like to avoid. Simulate the possibility of going back in time and, knowing the consequences, take measures to prevent this event, i.e. behave correctly. In ordinary life we cannot go back, but we try not to repeat similar mistakes, knowing the consequences. Both the instinct of self-preservation and intelligent decision-making are based on this. It gives experience, unless, of course, the event ended your life or the life of all mankind.

Accordingly, if there is an event in the past that killed many people, that is, it was massively tragic, and repeated many times, then people cannot either determine or change the root cause of that impact. In any case, the global consequence of that impact has not yet occurred, for as yet our reasoning about what it is is still a fact.

Now, based on this understanding, let us ask ourselves the question – is not the religious teaching, the essence of which is to preserve our life (given to us, we think, by the one who created us), the root cause, which, protecting us from death, inspires us not to be afraid of this death, because it itself exhorts us to the possibility of being in a better world – in paradise. And most importantly – and more tragically – it predicts the end of the world, promising a new and better one. Based on this, let us answer frankly to ourselves: is not our belief in what is written above an incentive to allow the use of weapons of mass destruction? Although we know about its ability to destroy mankind many times over. The very illogic of creating nuclear weapons in such quantities speaks of our faith in miraculous salvation or in the possibility of life after death.

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