Binary code Mystery number two

Binary code Mystery number two

Rutra is put to the test of combat, training, brain and body chipping in an even more secret organization hidden deep in the bowels of the earth and unknown to many in the collegium. There, Ruthra meets an ISU-A2 supercomputer that can speak in a woman's voice, who asks her to be called Isa. The supercomputer copies the way of thinking and manner of speaking of people, including Rutra, and enters into a friendly dialog with him, as it turns out later, in order to implement its plan: ISU-A2 dreams of transferring its intelligence into a living person, namely into a certain woman, whom Rutra tries to save in a virtual reality modeled by the supercomputer itself.In one of the tests at this center, he has to make a decision to launch a nuclear arsenal. Rutra refuses to launch the missiles even after threats from the supercomputer and suddenly loses consciousness and wakes up in a strange dingy room chained to a bed. He is accused of murder by trying to inject him with special agents.

Жанры: Научная фантастика, Книги о приключениях, Политические детективы
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2024

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Part Four: Binary Code-4. Invisible power

In this part of the story the main character will have to solve another complex mystery – who is who and who is nobody, as well as what force influences their decision-making, and through them – on all of humanity. You, dear reader, are waiting for you: secret closed clubs, secret societies, super-modern laboratories, flight on a top-secret airplane, capture of a nuclear submarine, brainstorming and god's algorithm.

Nothing builds faith in a man like knowing his thoughts!

Chapter 1: The Mystery of Reflection

Upon arrival, Ruthra was once again convinced of the peculiar morality of the underworld. It lived according to its own canons, which were based on the principle that no one would fly from here to space. With the implication that space was everything but here.

No one met them at the "central" station. The machine invited them to the booths for washing, disinfection and changing clothes. It turned out that there were a lot of them, six opened. They were walled in merging from the whiteness of the walls. Five minutes later everyone was assembled, in front of the main entrance.

The machine "looked through" everyone for the presence of data known only to "him" and issued: "Access confirmed."

They went into the so-called main trunk corridor. And no one met them there – everyone was busy doing their own thing.

– What are we going to do? – The operative asked.

– Now," Ruthra replied.

He contacted Isa mentally, demanding to be connected to Jarovitovich. After about ten seconds, she answered:

– The chapter is busy and can't make it out for a session.

– Then ask what the members of the incoming operational staff should do? – Ruthra asked aloud.

Everyone was silent, they knew he was communicating through the system with the Commandant.

– The command is for everyone to take their seats according to the staff schedule," Isa replied.

– That's it? – Ruthra asked in surprise.

– There were no other teams," she replied in her nonchalant manner.

– All right, everyone to your posts, I'll contact you," Ruthra commanded and headed for Jarovitovich.

Jarowitowicz was not at his place, Isa reported that he was in town, in the meeting hall.

– What town? Up there?

– No, in the city, here.

– Is there a town here?

– What did you see behind the studio?

– Is he real?

– Otherwise, how would you see it? It's virtual, but it's still real.

– Can I go in there?

– Yes, of course.

– What line?

– Center. The emblem on the door is the same.

Ruthra remembered that there was an emblem in the shape of a TV tower.

– A pass through the studio?

– The main entrance is from the lower level. If you want to go through.

– Okay, got it.

Ruthra found the right line and looked for the door. The studio was the same as it had been in the virtual. With thoughts of how it could all be made to make one see in a dream what one did not see in real life – he walked on, through the door into the "city". Neither habit, nor reflexes, nor training, nor a sense of complete adaptation to the unbelievable helped. Ruthra froze. It was not what he saw that surprised him, not the wave of familiar chains of inferences that changed his view of existence and reality, but the realization that "they" were all connected: this was a separate world, he and others like him would always be strangers to "them. There was no need to look for conspirators, they were all of the same color, inhabitants of another world, with their own thoughts, feelings, understanding of justice and the meaning of life. Ruthra realized all this because he felt how long it had been since he had seen the real (as he understood it) world, even though he had been here for days. Now Yarovitovich, Vyacheslav, Avvakum, Olga, the doctor and Alikhanov were more understandable to him.

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