Rembrandt code

Rembrandt code

Investigating a secret enterprise is not a simple matter. Especially if the person involved in the case is a scientist – the author of a revolutionary method of deciphering thoughts, cloning, rapid maturation of the body, and… downloading digitized memory into it. Doesn't he walk among us? Society, like any living organism, needs immunity – protection – a barrier against pests. Zaslon JSC provides such protection. However, just as the immune system of the body consists of "soldiers", fighting mercilessly with the enemies of the organism, so the immune system of the society depends on "fighters of the invisible front", performing their secret mission. We have no control over providence and chance, so we do not know what the secret of our mission is.Rembrandt created his clone. Did he succeed in transferring his consciousness into it?Someone who is hard to understand, but impossible to forget.

Жанры: Научная фантастика, Детективная фантастика, Современная зарубежная литература
Цикл: Не является частью цикла
Год публикации: 2024

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The gods are deprived of the luxury of not knowing our thoughts.

The author is known to you


In the process of gathering information for this book, I used classified material, as usual. Secret in fact. That is, you understand, secret materials are, to a certain extent, classified. In the world of the Internet, it's hard enough to call something as such.

In addition, I would like to clarify (since I write in the science fiction genre) some attitudes : people want to read something plausible, that is, fiction backed by a solid scientific basis; in other words, they don't want those two words in that combination to be disconnected. Accordingly, they do not want the book to be mere fantasy, nor do they want it to be a boring scientific read. I hope you get my point, though I will still clarify: if the narrative is boring science, then no one will read it as fiction . So, once again: if the narration is purely scientific, then fans of fiction will not be interested in it, and if the text is just fiction, then it will not be appreciated by fans of science fiction. And depts of this science fiction want to see a fictional world, which, by the way, all literary writers draw, but with scientific validity, but only squeeze of facts will not read t. This is the difficulty: where to find that line that separates fiction, just fiction (from fairy tales to fantasy, all the way to love lyrics), and science-based narrative about what we imagine?

So, in the process of collecting information for the book I used materials provided to me by the committee of foreign intelligence and security service of a secret enterprise, which is hidden for the outside world behind a rather working, but however causing certain associations name JSC "ZASLON". However, you understand, I have to use Aesopian language, write not all components of technology under the "top secret", that is to reveal the topic a little veiled. It didn't start with an ordinary case at the mentioned enterprise, but the secret data I came across surprised me even more…

Yes, I am here, according to the rules of good manners, I must introduce myself: Rutra Paschow, head of the secret research bureau "Artificial Intelligence Technology Control Center". The essence of my narration, perhaps, will become clear to you at the end of , now I will bring to your attention its reason: I as a specialist was entrusted to conduct a covert investigation of one very significant and suspicious in sense of naturalness case, namely … T ut I will keep silent for now, because even after apo feosis of the whole scenario of this "show". I'm not sure of the categories of the incident. Let's take the following as a basis for now: a case and an incident (I will designate an incident by these two synonyms) with scientific employee of the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC. The specificity of this case was quite intricate: three lines of investigation were simultaneously conducted: internal – by the security service of the enterprise, external – by the security service of the state, and also assigned to me. And the enterprise did not know about the investigation that was conducted by the service that hired me. The one I conducted was initiated by the State Security Service, and I acted under the mandate of the Investigative Committee. Everything was organized in an extremely decent entourage : I was provided not only with the documents of an investigator, but also could hold a reception in the office of the corresponding service as a real representative of the committee, though under an assumed name. At the enterprise, including e e security service, my mission was presented as expert, to certify the official version, voiced by the same enterprise security service and, accordingly, by the local medical institution. In the process of familiarizing yourself with the investigation materials that I decided to disclose, you will understand the complexity and danger of the described event. Of course, the question is legitimate: why me and why such a scheme? The answer is banally simple … However.

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